Authentication procedure

If you take a look at the login / <form> element, you’ll see a hidden <input> tag called “__RequestVerificationToken”. This tag contains a token which is needed for the actual login request - otherwise Rockstar refuses the authentication, even with proper and valid credentials.

So initally, you need to make at least three requests to get your hands on the desired piece of information:

1. Get verficiation token


Search for the __RequestVerificationToken and store it’s value in a variable. Also make sure to store the cookies in a cookie jar.

Example request:

GET / HTTP/1.1

2. Login using verification token

POST /profile/signin

Login to Social Club with previously stored verification token. In case you receive 403 error, make sure it’s no noCAPTCHA interferences.

Example request:

POST /profile/signin HTTP/1.1
Form Parameters:
  • login – your Social Club account username
  • password – your Social Club account password
  • __RequestVerificationToken – the previously stored verification token

3. Parse actual data

Since the cookie jar now has a proper authentication cookie, you can start parsing the information you need.