Global snaps

GET /games/gtav/snapmatic/ajax/search?[SearchQuery=(search_query)&]Filter=(filter)&Page=(page_number)

You can use this endpoint in case you want to browse through global snapsmatics rather than specific crew or player ones. It’ll returns 12 snaps per page. Make sure to increase page_number to browse through the pagination.

Example request:

GET /games/gtav/snapmatic/ajax/search?Filter=MostRecent&Page=1 HTTP/1.1

Example response (full):

  "Total": 2149574,
  "CurrentPage": 1,
  "Photos": [
      "Meta": {
        "CreatedTimestamp": 1484749579,
        "Name": "LMAO",
        "HardTags": [
        "UserTags": [],
        "SongName": "AB-SOUL FEAT. KENDRICK LAMAR - ILLuminate",
        "SongUrl": "",
        "Liked": {
          "Liked": false,
          "LikeCount": 0
        "data": {
          "area": "BURTON",
          "street": "0",
          "scr": "1375",
          "loc": {
            "z": 38.68,
            "x": -392.9,
            "y": -113.79
          "mode": "FREEMODE",
          "plyrs": [
Query Parameters:
  • filter – allowed values: mostrecent, trending, popular (all-time), myfriends, myphotos, mythumbsup
  • page_number – page number, starting with 1
  • search_query (optional) – a specific term to search for